Between gangsters and angels.

El Guerrero Viajero
5 min readAug 17, 2022


What I learned form Cartel de Santa.

Cartel de Santa — Babo

Eduardo Dávalos:

The aroma of mint permeated the entire waiting room, on the left side there was a group of gang members looking to fix their dentures full of bling and eternal dreams. On the right, a band of filmmakers passionate about telling stories and earning a salary to continue their path.

Waiting for the dentist tends to be a tedious task, dental health is usually one of the most neglected areas by man, although proctologists surely have an argument against this. However, we were all there… El Babo, his entourage, models, and a duck the size of a sheepdog. Which side am I on? Well, right in the middle asshole, there was no room so I had to grab the center chair.

I came to the clinic with the filmmakers, they sat there: My mentor, colleagues, indiscreet admirers, and our wide-eyed cat. So much contrast within such a small space, so much power with nowhere to put it. As I observed this awkward moment my decision was celar, break the ice by putting out some Uno cards. Board games tend to reveal what our minds hide.

Exodia manifest yourself:

The game began and obviously the two titans fought to take the first turn. My mentor adjusted the space, knowing that Babo should take the first pair in his hands. The bell rings, one of the nurses comes out to attend a member of the gang. Everything is in order… Boom! Reverse uno and the cartel won a couple points. Fuam! Triple color, now the filmmakers seem to be in control. I can smell the laughter, I see time slowing down, the tensions from waiting dissipate as each member enjoys the game.

Despite the nature of each member is present, those of the gang cannot avoid operating from a much more tenacious power. The filmmakers on the other hand, honor their art but getting frustrated. It’s not easy collaborating with elevated egos, it’s not easy to understand the actions of those who live in a different context.

Suddenly the dentist opens the door, like a knife spreading butter her presence cuts off any kind of chaotic energy.

We look at her like a couple of scared children, we know it’s time to be examined…

A good tooth:

I enjoy the fact that Uno is the kind of game where the rules have no order or rights, everyone interprets their experience in different ways. We face distinct opponents compared to us, hoping to master the reflection of our soul within them. It’s nothing new, but I like seeing it in this context.

Long story short, I work in the filmmaking industry, and we were fortunate to collaborate with Cartel de Santa. That being said… I shall remain a little private with our clients affinities, and focus on the humanity behind entities that one could see as demons or indifferent gods.

I understood that the higher you go on the ladder, the participants of the game engage with even larger egos. It was not easy working with Babo (the leader of the cartel), there were frictions as well as pleasant moments. The point I want to get to is that we’re all warriors facing our own evil.

How can I forgive myself:

During our meeting, both me and my colleagues confronted our fears during the shoot. Some despaired by the long extra hours of work, others with the whims that high-ranking artist entail, and in my case…

Dealing with my perception of reality by committing mundane mistakes. Mistakes like misaligning the table causing Babo’s annoyance and not offering a concrete solution.

The gangsters also faced a bad day, struggling to sync up the song, arranging favors or dealing with their superiors tension. Each human being has a bit of good and bad within them, it can be difficult to ascertain that due to our “different backgrounds”.

A long time ago I heard a quote form the God of War game: “Atreus smiled no matter the battle, despite our nature as machines of war he kept on smiling. He understood that within us there was goodness, even during inhuman conditions we still carried light inside of us.”

Behind the greek titan known as Babo stands Eduardo, below the talent and circumstances of a situation lies a human being trying to do the right thing. That’s what I learned during my work!

One tends to believe that we must seek people similar to ourselves, that only our clan knows what’s best. I am sorry to tell you that’s not my experience… Those that seem like the devil, are as well looking to live. Man only seeks to accept his existence without dying in fear.

Remember to floss:

I’ve learned that my focus can be powerful, often times leading me to places I desire. I’ve also noticed that my experience tends to lead me right in front of people that might be “dark” “chaotic” and whatever other negative adjective may come up. My mentor says that life balances out the scale, putting the devils, and angels together in order to achieve a new understanding.

Matter of fact a government official once told my mentor to remain in politics, there needs to be a counterweight that can tame the beast that lies in government.

I feel the same way when we collaborate with artists like Cartel de Santa, or when we tackle projects that exceed our abilities.

Now I remember Matias de Estefano commenting on angels, and demons… Both play similar roles, to encourage and activate humankind. Some whisper with patience and tenderness, others squeeze your throat tightly without killing you off. All in the service of consciousness, for us to become aware of our particular experience.

God kills, and the morning star also weeps.

As long as I don’t give anyone my power, as long as I’m collaborating with others regardless of why… That’s when I create a better world for myself. By understanding that I’m also a demon, but I decide to accept forgivness.

I AM..



El Guerrero Viajero
El Guerrero Viajero

Written by El Guerrero Viajero

Practical lessons to overcome fear and transform ourselves into impeccable warriors.

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